Aaron Olsen








· games
Wordle, but you have to solve more words if you guess wrong. This project was inspired by a group chat where we shared our Wordle scores…


· leukemia, university
I finished chemotherapy this year, and I am happy to be done. I’m recovering slowly, but steadily. I still need monthly appointments and…

Manipulating Functions

· math
Remember the formula for transformations of parabolas? This is probably what you learned in high school. You have to memorize these…

Treatment Shortened

· leukemia
Hello, everyone. Acute leukemia is a cancer with one of the longest treatment protocols, and one can expect to be in treatment for around…

Trust Me, I Swim

That’s strange, Simon thought. I can’t move my leg. The jungle was loud, humid, and darker than expected. They had only been hiking…

Coffin Dance for 3D Printer

· music, 3dprint
MP3 download Musescore download

Stop Speeding

A tense silence filled the room as the police officer contemplated him. Finally, he broke the silence. Officer, what is this about?” The…

Not Enough Salt

Hello, this is the Gardening Centre help line. How may I help you?” Hi, I’m having trouble with my plants. I’m not doing anything to them…

Maintenance Begins

· leukemia
On Monday, I will be starting my maintenance phase of chemo. It will last for two years, over four cycles. To be honest, the first cycle is…

More than Meets the Ear

Now here we write the epic tale of Sean, And of his words which caused him to be dead. Who from his story we have much to glean, So even us…

Last Phase Before Maintenance

· leukemia
I have just begun Interim Maintenance II, which is my last phase of intense” chemo. It comprises many lumbar punctures, oral, and IV chemo…

Home at Last

· leukemia
I’m finally home! This past two weeks has really been a roller coaster. Suffice it to say that now I get to mostly live at home, and I only…

Ronald McDonald House

· leukemia
I have a place to stay now! I started this post on the 29th, but my energy has been pretty low so sorry for the delay. These last few days…

Discharged from Hospital

· leukemia
Sorry for the long delay in updates! These past few days have been a whirlwind as things have moved very quickly. When I first went to the…

Day 8 of Treatment

· leukemia
Today is day 8 of my treatment. I have a lumbar puncture scheduled for an injection of methotrexate into my spine. This is a one out of the…
· leukemia

My energy has been up and down these last few days⁠—I’ve been sleeping a lot with all the surgeries and the chemo.

The port has been really nice. They only need to take blood once a day now, and it doesn’t even hurt. It’s a little strange having such a large bump on my chest, but I can still mostly move my arm. They say I should be able to play sports with full range of motion once my stitches heal up.

Tomorrow I am having some more chemo into my spine at around noon. I will be asleep for the procedure.

· leukemia

Today my sister stayed with me as the rest of my family went to church in Stratford. I had a better appetite today than I’d had for a little while. I received some nice visits from family, friends, and the missionaries.

· leukemia

Today I received my first dose of intravenous chemotherapy. It was fairly quick, two drugs given back-to-back over the course of half an hour. The immediate effects, were very gradual (if any), so I didn’t notice much.

Port in a Storm

· leukemia
Today was another day with no food or drink in the mornings. I haven’t had much of an appetite still, so that wasn’t really a problem. I was…
· leukemia Surgery


First Operation

· leukemia
Last night I had to stop eating solid food at midnight. It wasn’t that bad⁠—I actually had to force some food down. My appetite hasn’t been…

The Road Less Travelled

· leukemia
On Sunday (April 28th), I woke up with a bit of a headache. It wasn’t very bad, so I went to my church meetings. Later that afternoon, I…

Railway Worker’s Three Hopes

© Aaron Olsen 2023